Friday, 10 June 2016

School Fair

                                                 (  SCHOOL FAIR)

At the school fair I had 40 TICKETS so I could by everything, so I did...

Favorite games I played: at the pick the nose game, out of the snot I got a blue counter so I won A burger king drink for free. At the petting zoo I got to ride a white horse. Another astonishing game I played was throwing the sponge at the teachers I got Mr Gemmal right in THE  FACE.


                                                           Master chef

For our master chef we made chi spiced banana bread, it was delicious. The group that I was working with were also extremely existed. It was hard to do writing and cooking at the same time. Our aim of it all was to have less than a quarter of a tea spoon of sugar, salt,butter etc. We had to try make a dish yum enough to sell to the school.